Hormone Replacement Therapy For Men in Brentwood, TN
HRT for Men/Bio-identical Pellet therapy
Testosterone is a sex hormone produced by the testes that supports the normal development of male reproductive organs, as well as secondary male sexual characteristics. Men experience a gradual decrease in testosterone levels as a result of the aging process, which can begin as early as age 30. Millions of American men suffer from some degree of testosterone imbalance or deficiency, and surprisingly, most of these men are unaware of their condition.
Many studies have demonstrated that hormone replacement therapy (HRT) assists in the regeneration of cells and overall improved health. Effective hormone replacement therapy provides men and women with a consistent and precise dose of hormones to continuously regulate and balance hormone levels in the body.
Dr. Kensington specializes in safe and effective bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT). Bio-identical hormones behave in the body exactly as natural hormones, creating the same biological effects. Bioidentical Pellets have been used since the 1930’s and are the treatment preference due to their efficacy and because they slowly and continuously release bio-identical hormones into the body to maintain healthy hormone levels over several months.
Bio-identical hormones are derived from plants, such as yams or soybeans, and processed to be identical to those found in humans, so our bodies cannot detect the difference, allowing them to bind to the respective receptors just like our own natural hormones. As a result, bio-identical hormones behave in the body exactly as natural hormones, creating the same biological effects. They are placed beneath the skin by performing a minor in office procedure. For most men this procedure is performed every 5 months. During this time the pellets provide a steady, stable release of bio-identical testosterone to the body.
Pellet therapy helps your body maintain levels of testosterone that mimic those produced naturally by healthy functioning testicles. This therapy produces the natural hormone levels that sustain men’s natural functions. Because the testosterone used in pellet therapy is totally natural, this treatment is ideal for men who want the benefits of a natural hormone, without the risks and side effects of a synthetic. Moreover, many studies have demonstrated that optimal testosterone levels (over 800) in men help guard against many conditions, such as cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s disease, prostate cancer, osteoporosis and many others.
Why not testosterone cream or gel?
Traditional transdermal forms of hormone replacement therapy and Compounded creams cause “roller coaster” effects due to fluctuating levels of testosterone, which can cause mood swings and energy fluctuations. Roller-coaster hormone treatments do not provide the same long-term benefits and results as regulated hormone levels stabilized in the bloodstream. It is also unsafe for a man to use a testosterone creams when he has children in the home as it can be transferred to a young child and cause adverse effects such as premature puberty.
What If My Primary Care Physician Says That There Is ‘No Data’ To Support The Use Of Pellet Implants? And Is It Safe?
It’s up to you to do your research and make an informed decision. Pellet therapy has been in use since 1935 Europe and the 1950’s in the United States, and there is plenty of evidence to support the long-term safety and benefits of hormone therapy using pellet implants. Bio-identical hormone pellet therapy is currently being administered safely to women and men in five continents, and has been studied for over 80 years, not only to determine safety and efficacy, but to study its role in the prevention of diseases, such as breast cancer, heart disease, osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s dementia, Type 2 diabetes and many others.
Hormone replacement via pellet therapy delivers consistent doses of bio-identical hormones in a method that is not only safe and effective but also convenient and affordable relative to other delivery methods. For residents of Nashville, Franklin or the surrounding areas of Tennessee who want to learn more about hormone replacement using pellet therapy, contact our Brentwood office to schedule a consultation with Dr. Kensington
Low testosterone symptoms include, but are not limited to:
Memory loss
Lack of mental focus
Lethargy or loss of energy or stamina
Poor immune response
Changes in sleep patterns, such as insomnia
Low sex drive or libido
Erectile dysfunction
Decreased muscle mass
Loss of physical strength
Increased body fat
Depression and anxiety
Testosterone Cypionate Program
Testosterone-Cypionate is usually prescribed in an injectable form for most men and women who require testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) due to a testosterone imbalance or deficiency. New Life Physicians Testosterone-Cypionate Program allows the patient to choose weekly injections done in the office, or self-injections done at home. Our at-home option requires a monthly charge and all supplies are mailed directly to the patient. All patients are required to be seen in the office for labs and office visit every 6 months.
Testosterone-Cypionate & Testosterone Replacement Therapy
Millions of American men suffer from some degree of testosterone imbalance or deficiency, and surprisingly, most of these men are unaware of their condition. Low testosterone symptoms are often mistaken for signs of stress or considered a part of the natural aging process, and while this is true, no man has to live with them or accept them as normal. Testosterone is one of the most powerful and essential hormones in the body, and men who suffer from low testosterone lack the primary androgen their body needs to function properly.
Testosterone-Cypionate is the most widely prescribed anabolic steroid and the most popular variant of testosterone in the United States. Testosterone replacement therapy can rebalance the body’s testosterone levels and reverse most symptoms of low testosterone. Testosterone-Cypionate is bio-identical at it’s core, but has a synthetic modification to give it it’s longer half life in the blood stream. Your body then converts it into a biologically active form of testosterone after its administered.
While most male patients in our practice prefer Bio-identical Testosterone Pellet therapy, we understand that this therapy is not for all patients. Some patients that find Testosterone Cypionate injection therapy is a better fit for them and their lifestyle. For these patient we offer a Testosterone Injection program where a patient can receive their weekly injection in our office or they can self administer at home. For more information on our Testosterone-Cypionate program, contact Dr. Kensington and the staff at New Life Physicians in Brentwood today. We serve the men of Nashville, Franklin or the surrounding communities of Tennessee.
Men and Testosterone
Testosterone is a male sex hormone that is required for the development of reproductive tissues in male babies. During puberty, the testicles secrete very high levels of testosterone, creating a deeper voice, increased height and increased muscle mass. By the time boys reach age 17, their testosterone levels have peaked and then remain at this level for about 10 years, after which they start to decline. By age 50, testosterone levels in most men have dropped to about half the level that their bodies produced at age 17.
Healthy testosterone levels help men maintain the following critical functions:
Increased muscle mass and strength
Healthy stamina & recovery and Increase energy
Libido and sexual performance
Cognitive abilities
The reproduction of red blood cells
Healthy sleep patterns
Increased bone density
Male Steroid Use
Illegal use of steroids by some bodybuilders and athletes is highly dangerous when using testosterone replacement therapy. The hormone is a type of steroid referred to as androgens. Although the body naturally produces steroids, synthetic forms or anabolic steroids, are illegal to use and can have dangerous consequences.
How We Can Help With HRT
At New Life Physicians, we are committed to ensuring your health and safety above all else. Our skilled and compassionate staff will work with you to create an HRT plan that is totally safe and personalized, to help you feel and look much as you did during your younger years.
Come in and talk to our providers about HRT, discuss its advantages and disadvantages, as well as evaluate whether this treatment may be right for you. Prescription testosterone, and other HRTs, may not be suitable treatments for some men, even in cases of hormone imbalance. For example, this treatment is not suitable for men with prostate cancer. Regular exercise and a healthy diet are alternative methods to maintain optimum hormone levels for men who are not candidates for HRT.
If your doctor has deemed it safe for you to seek HRT, you no longer have to tolerate the side effects of low testosterone levels. The staff at New Life Physicians, located in Brentwood, and serving the residents of Nashville, Franklin and the surrounding area in Tennessee, are highly skilled and will work with you through every stage of your treatment to help restore your youthful zest and vigor. Contact us today.