Female Sexual Wellness
The effects of aging, pregnancy, hormonal changes, gravity and weight fluctuations can leave their toll on your body. As we age, women sometimes face the additional burden of a decreased libido, vaginal dryness, urinary stress incontinence, pain during sex, a loss of vaginal tightening and difficulty with self-lubrication.
Although women have faced these issues for decades, they were rarely discussed openly. Women had few options other than to concentrate on physical exercises to strengthen their pelvic floor or result to surgical intervention. The good news is there are now breakthrough options to help rejuvenate your body inside and out. At New Life Physicians, we are ready to discuss these issues with you and talk about solutions, such as the O-Shot, or laser procedures.
New Life Touch
The New Life Touch utilizes a patient’s own platelet rich plasma (PRP) injecting them into the nerve control center of the clitoris and vagina; these growth factors stimulate the nerve cells to rejuvenate and repair themselves, resulting in increased sensitivity and heightened response to intimate touches. The benefits expected are greater arousal and sexual response, increase lubrication, increase sensation, increased ability to achieve orgasm, improved vaginal tone, decreased painful intercourse and improvement in urinary incontinence.
During this procedure your blood is collected and processed. While this is being processed, the provider applies a topically numbing cream is to the treatment areas. After proper numbing time, the highly concentrated PRP is injected into specific proprietary treatment areas to address areas of concern.
IntimaLase® is a unique laser therapy for incisionless, non-invasive photothermal tightening of the vaginal canal. The indication for IntimaLase is Vaginal Relaxation Syndrome, which is the loss of optimum structural form of the vagina. This condition is general associated with overstretching of the vaginal canal during childbirth as well as with natural aging. Clinical results show a tightened vaginal canal, greater sexual satisfaction and significant improvement in a patient’s quality of life.
ProlapLase® is an innovative and unique non-invasive laser alternative for the treatment of pelvic organ prolapse (POP). POP is a common problem, affecting almost 50% of parous women to some degree. ProlapLase® utilizes the gentle, nonablative photothermal effects of laser therapy to tighten the tissue and contract the vaginal canal.
PRP Therapy for Women FAQ
PRP therapy is an innovative, completely non-surgical procedure that works by rejuvenating the natural sexual response system in by stimulating the growth of tissues responsible for orgasm by increasing vaginal and clitoral sensitivity. More than 50 percent of women report either a low libido or some form of sexual dysfunction, making it one of the most common chronic issues that women face today.
PRP therapy is an in-office procedure done in about 5 minutes. The first thing done will be a blood draw from the patient’s arm and using an innovative technique, the woman’s platelets are then separated out and concentrated into a dense platelet-rich plasma. It is this plasma that contains the essential growth factors used to enhance sexual sensitivity and function. The patient’s genitalia is numbed with a special local anesthetic cream resulting in little to no discomfort. Using the patient’s own growth factors, the platelet-rich plasma is then injected into the “o-spot”, just inside the vaginal opening and then into the clitoral shaft.
Dr. Kensington will carefully inject the patient’s own plasma into a very specific area known as the “o-spot” that sits at the center of a complex series of nerve endings. Once injected, the platelet-rich plasma will then release seven natural growth factors that are used to trigger stem cells to be released into vaginal and clitoral tissues to begin regenerating and improving their functional potential.
Many women benefit from PRP therapy procedure within hours as their own body’s natural growth factors work to rejuvenate and enhance their sexual response and sensitivity. Most patients who undergo PRP therapy report a noted increase in sexual performance within a few days or weeks after treatment, often times a very dramatic improvement.
Every woman responds to PRP therapy differently, but many patients who have undergone PRP therapy procedure have reported:
An improvement in natural lubrication
Reduced or completely resolved issues with both urge and stress types of urinary incontinence
More intense orgasms
Younger, smoother and more radiant skin of the vulva
An improved intensity with clitoral stimulation
Increased frequency of orgasms
Reduced or resolved pain during intercourse (dyspareunia)
Greater numbers of vaginal orgasms
A tightening of the vaginal opening
When you come in for your consultation, the staff will give you comprehensive information about how to prepare for PRP therapy procedure. You will be asked about any medications that you are taking that either thin the blood or increase your chances of bleeding. PRP therapy procedure works by using the patient’s own platelet plasma and is a non-invasive procedure, there are very few things that need to be avoided before or after receiving PRP therapy procedure. For optimal results all anti-inflammatories should held for a minimum of 2 days prior to the procedure and 2 weeks following the treatment. Any other individual instructions that are necessary will be given to you prior to undergoing the procedure.
Normally, PRP therapy involves minimal to no pain, and you can go right back to your normal daily activities after undergoing the procedure.
To find out if you can benefit from PRP therapy, schedule a consultation with Dr. Kensington today. You may be an ideal candidate for PRP therapy if you have been experiencing one or more of the following symptoms:
Minimal production of natural vaginal lubrication (dryness issues)
Stress-related urinary incontinence issues, such as leakage following a laugh, sneeze or cough
Difficulty in experiencing pleasure during sexual intercourse
Reduced sexual libido
Challenges involving the achievement and frequency of orgasms
Why Choose Dr. Kensington for PRP Therapy
As a breakthrough technology in helping women enhance their sexual function and pleasure via the use of a woman’s own blood platelets to deliver natural growth factors to the orgasmic pathways of the body, Dr. Kensington is one of a very small number of doctors who have been specially trained, certified and licensed to administer the revolutionary PRP procedure. Dr. Kensington’s practice focuses on helping women find a personalized treatment plan that will address their desires in improving sexual vitality and rejuvenation.
If you live in Nashville, Franklin or the surrounding communities of Tennessee and would like to learn more about the PRP procedure, please contact us today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Kensington at her Brentwood office.