Hair Loss Info
Two in three men and one in five women will be affected by hair loss during their lifetime. At New Life Physicians, we offer non-surgical hair regrowth strategies that are safe and effective.
Hair Loss in Men
Male pattern baldness is the most common form of hair loss among men and affects some 40 million me in America. It typically begins at the top of the head and is usually caused by hereditary factors causing a sensitivity on the scalp to androgen or male sex hormones. New Life Physicians is proud to provide laser HaiRestart and at home options to preserve and thicken hair in patients who are genetically predisposed to male pattern baldness.
Male Pattern Baldness Treatment FAQs
Male pattern baldness is the most common form of hair loss among men. It typically begins at the top of the head and is typically caused by hereditary factors causing a sensitivity on the scalp to androgen or male sex hormones.
Male androgenic alopecia and hereditary alopecia both refer to male pattern baldness, and in fact, this is the most common form of baldness in men. Nonetheless, other types of hair loss may be influenced by such factors as a nutritional problem, illness or medication, and even environmental conditions. These types of hair loss are usually temporary and may be reversed and eradicated by treating the underlying problem.
New Life Physicians is proud to provide state-of-the-art Cellular Matrix + PRP Injection Therapy to preserve and thicken hair in patients who are genetically predisposed to male pattern baldness. The Cellular Matrix + PRP injection procedure takes only 90 minutes and is a minimally-invasive alternative to plastic surgery, requiring very little recovery or downtime. While prescription medications or topical applications must be used as part of a daily regime, Cellular Matrix + PRP Therapy does not require daily upkeep.
Costs vary with each patient because no two cases are exactly alike, and the treatment is highly personalized. Many factors affect the cost of your treatment, including the type of procedure and number of sessions needed. Additionally, Dr. Kensington may recommend the LaserCap device to provide additional benefit at home. New Life Physicians keeps hair restoration procedures available and affordable for all patients by providing easy financing options, as well as accepting cash, major credit cards, and personal checks as payment options.
How is Male Pattern Baldness Classified?
Hair Loss in Women
Hair loss in women is far more common than most people realize; studies show that nearly one in three women will experience some degree of hair loss in their lifetime. In contrast to men who experience baldness in specific, isolated areas, women may lose hair uniformly all over their scalp, making early detection especially difficult. Hair loss in women can be due to a number of causes such as medications, hormonal changes including menopause, pregnancy, and thyroid issues, or may be hereditary. Whatever the cause, hair loss and thinning can have devastating emotional consequences for a woman. At New Life Physicians, Dr. Kensington provides the latest hair growth restoration treatments while offering a compassionate and supportive environment throughout the process.
Women's Hair Loss Treatment FAQs
Women may experience hair loss at any point in their life. Some women may not have any problem with hair loss until they reach their older years while others may begin losing hair in their teens. Men generally experience hair loss along the front of their hairline or in a single patch on the top of their head. Women, on the other hand, tend to lose hair uniformly across the scalpDoctors classify hair loss in women as Type I, Type II or Type III, depending on the severity (see below for more information).
Common causes of hair loss in women include, but are not limited to: genetics, hormonal changes (esp. menopausal women), stress, thyroid issues, autoimmune conditions, scalp infections, anemia, illnesses (including Covid 19), nutritional deficiencies and medication side effects.
The price of hair restoration varies for each patient, as the cost depends on the extent of restoration necessary to achieve your individual goals. New Life Physicians provides flexible financing options and accepts cash, credit cards, and personal checks to keep procedures available and affordable for all our patients.
Classification of Female Hair Loss